SAMAC 一般社団法人 IT資産管理評価認定協会


Management Standard and Evaluation Criteria

Management standards

In the business related to the evaluation of software asset management, which is one of the SAMAC businesses, we will formulate and operate software asset management standards to be used for evaluation. This Software Asset Management Standard is a standard established in the course of its activities. In addition, we have succeeded the management standards of the NPO software “Asset Management Consortium”, which has been working on the spread of software asset management in Japan prior to SAMAC. It has been established as a standard consistent with ISO / IEC19770 or related JIS standards.

Download and use the software asset management standards formulated by SAMAC from the following.

Evaluation Criteria

The Software Asset Management Evaluation Standard, like the Software Asset Management Standard, is a standard created in the business related to the evaluation of software asset management, which is one of the SAMAC businesses. This evaluation criterion is created as an evaluation criterion using a maturity model, and does not cover gradual conformity evaluation.

Click here for Software Asset Management Evaluation Criteria Ver.4.1 (PDF format)

Management Standard and Evaluation Criteria
